Monday, March 16, 2015

Deamons Of Chaos Showcase

Sunday Funday was a huge success, I played my 2nd game of Warhammer Fantasy. I picked up a Deamons of Khorne army for 40k but I have only actually gotten top use them for fantasy. I have the new blood thirster model on the way as well. The commission was done by my friend Tristan for someone else  but the deal didnt go through so I picked them up to not leave him holding the bag. He did an incredible job. I've since added 2 more squads of blood letters, a Soul Grinder and Skull Cannon. It will round out at about 3000 when all is said and done.
Blood For The Blood God.
The Army has Skulltaker with a squad of blood crushers. Karnak running with a squad of 10 hounds.
Skulltaker & Bloodcrushers
I am really happy with the army so far, ill post more pics this week too. I have a battle report being written up as well. Ill get a few more games in before I post about my thoughts on my first Fantasy army. - Russ

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Where does the time Go?

It has been a busy few months! So who knew opening a business would take up a lot of spare time! We just celebrated our first year in business at Eat Whats Good. It has been hectic but very, very rewarding. Many things keeping me busy on the home front. We also added to our family who, now looks nothing like the puppy we brought home 5 months ago!

While my army has grown in the past year my time to paint it has not! I have picked up quite a few new Tyranids.  I'll be posting the full extent of the models soon! I have expanded my collections and branched out into new systems as well! I have a budding Trollbloods army for Hordes as well. I have been running  a weekly gaming club as well for the past 5 months. There will be an update of battle reports to follow as well. Thanks for you patience! - Russell
Just a sample of the new army!