Thursday, April 17, 2014

Retro Battle Report #3 Breakout

Game type: Break out
Deployment: Special
Slay the warlord , First blood
Kill points, Escape

So its time for the Sentinels of Terra to go on the offensive. The Chaos forces were pressing on towards the Rail yards. The Sentinels only had a short time to stop them. Breakout is an throwback to 4th edition. Chaos had to split his forces and have at least half his forces make it off each table end. It was a quick game but still a lot of fun. In a 1500 pt game we both brought 2 land raiders. The sentinels were going to make sure the Chaos forces didn't escape.

The Chaos Land raiders were moving full tilt, not slowing their speed for anything. They maneuvered quickly over the industrial streets, smashing all that stood in their path. Trying to close the Chaos forces in a pincer attack The Sentinels struck quickly, Multi-melta and melta gun fire tore into the side of the Chaos raider, quickly immobilizing it. Chaos Bikers circled around trying to pin down the Sentinels, closing the gap from the recovering marines.  Brother Captain Cedrick wasted no time and charged to meet the bikers head on, The Aspiring champion was all to quick to accept the captains charge and was laid low by his relic blade. The reaming bikers tried to regroup and were cut down by the remaining sentinels. The 2nd Chaos raider was faring much better as it had put a lot of space between it and The sentinels ground forces it looked to be in the clear. Stepping out of the broken Land Raider Chancellor Gurkon  charged towards Cedrick and tore into the Sentiels squad like a rabid dog. The sick hum of his lighting claw tearing power armor from flesh and bone. The Sentinels screams of pain ended quickly.

Chaos: Slay the warlord, 4 Escape points
Sentinels: First blood,  3 Kill points, 1 challenge point

So once again the game ended in a tie, it was a lot closer. I got a point for each destroyed unit, Chaos gets a point for each unit able to make it off the board. Once again Chaos lord trumps cheap captain.  I was able to pop both land raiders but the chaos player made a quick decision to flee the far side of the table. I caught the Chaos bikers and killed the aspiring champion netting me the extra point. The Chaos lord made quick work of my remaining marines,  with the squads  scattered  the Chaos lord made his exit. This is the point we  started to see a recurring theme.

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