Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Hive Fleet Hungers

I have a daunting task ahead of me. 2500 points of Tyranid goodness, waiting to be assembled. Choosing units is always a tricky game. Some people will go for the most powerful units, min max troops and call it a day. I always prefer the "Rule of Cool" approach. When you dive into the Fluff of the codex it really gives you an idea of what you can do on the table top. I know it doesn't translate into crunch very well but thems the brakes. So with that in mind I started acquiring my own little hive fleet.  I'll go into details a bit later but this is my starting point.


Hive Tyrant

100 Termagants
Tervigon x 2

Venomthrope x2
Zoanthrope x3

Fast Attack
Hive Crone/Harpy x2

Heavy Support
Mawloc x2

Lord of War
Scythed Heirodule 

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